Not Flattered
** Bertha is a made up name that has been created for privacy issues, Bertha is very fitting....
Bertha was a friend. I thought I was a good friend to Bertha, I came up for her birthday first year of college and since then have been her only friend to come to her birthdays, I lent her money so that she could pay for half of her spring semester, lent her money to pay for half her security deposit and have been nothing but a good friend!
However, Bertha has not been that great of a friend. I have been told that she spoke of me ill behind my back calling me a "goody, goody bitch." She gets mad at the drop of a hat, and the worst trait of all is that she is a major copy cat.
Not trying to toot my horn and make me seem like I am amazing and all that, but she copies everything that I do!
For example: One evening I mentioned that I was going to the mall the next day to buy blue eye shadow. Bertha asked me if it was possible if she could tag along, and I happily said sure. But while we were at the mall the next day all of the sudden Bertha says to me "My boyfriend wants me to get blue eyeshadow." All I could say was
Another example: I desperately wanted a crock pot... Bertha said in response "Why would you need a crock pot?" I replied "To make delicious soups!" Two days later Bertha says to me..."I told my mom I needed a crock pot for when I move into a new place." I asked her why SHE now needed a crock pot... her reply was simply "To make delicious soups!" I wanted to slap her!
I could go on forever about many of Bertha's copy attempts, people have told me that copying is one of the highest forms of flattery, but I am not flattered, I am annoyed to the max!
You be you and I'll be me. Why would you want to be me when I wouldn't want to be you.
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This picture is from http://pix.motivatedphotos.com/2008/11/15/633623096925643963-Copycat.jpg